| In vivo reduction of RAD51-mediated homologous recombination triggers aging but impairs oncogenesis. | Matos-Rodrigues G, Barroca V, Muhammad AA, Dardillac E, Allouch A, Koundrioukoff S, Lewandowski D, Despras E, Guirouilh-Barbat J, Frappart L, Kannouche P, Dupaigne P, Le Cam E, Perfettini JL, Romeo PH, Debatisse M, Jasin M, Livera G, Martini E & Lopez BS. | |  |  | Melanophages give rise to hyperreflective foci in AMD, a disease-progression marker | Augustin S, Lam M, Lavalette S, Verschueren A, Blond F, Forster V, Przegralek L, He Z, Lewandowski D, Bemelmans AP, Picaud S, Sahel JA, Mathis T, Paques M, Thuret G, Guillonneau X, Delarasse C, Sennlaub F | |  |  | Deleterious effect of bone marrow-resident macrophages on hematopoietic stem cells in response to total body irradiation. | Chalot M, Barroca V, Devanand S, Hoffschir F, Romeo PH, Moreno SG | |  |  | In vivo monitoring of Polycythemia Vera development reveals carbonic anhydrase 1 as a potent therapeutic target. | Murakami S, Barroca V, Perie L, Bravard A, Bernardino-Sgherri J, Tisserand A, Devanand C, Edmond V, Magniez A, Tenreira Bento S, Torres C, Pasquier F, Plo I, Vainchenker W, Villeval JL, Romeo PH, Lewandowski D | |  |  | MXD4/MAD4 Regulates Human Keratinocyte Precursor Fate. | Coutier J, Auvré F, Lemaître G, Lataillade JJ, Deleuze JF, Roméo PH, Martin MT, Fortunel NO | |  |  | Downregulation of Glutamine Synthetase, not glutaminolysis, is responsible for glutamine addiction in Notch1-driven acute lymphoblastic leukemia. | Nguyen TL, Nokin MJ, Terés S, Tomé M, Bodineau C, Galmar O, Pasquet JM, Rousseau B, van Liempd S, Falcon-Perez JM, Richard E, Muzotte E, Rezvani HR, Priault M, Bouchecareilh M, Redonnet-Vernhet I, Calvo J, Uzan B, Pflumio F, Fuentes P, Toribio ML, Khatib AM, Soubeyran P, Murdoch PDS, Durán RV. | |  |  | JAM-C/Jam-C Expression Is Primarily Expressed in Mouse Hematopoietic Stem Cells. | Henry E, Barroca V, Lopez CK, Aurrand-Lions M, Lewandowski D, Mercher T, Arcangeli ML | |  |  | Piezo1-xerocytosis red cell metabolome shows impaired glycolysis and increased hemoglobin oxygen affinity | Kiger L, Oliveira L, Guitton C, Bendélac L, Ghazal K, Proulle V, Galacteros F, Junot C, Fenaille F, Roméo PH, Garçon L, Picard V | |  |  | Mouse model of radiation-induced premature ovarian insufficiency reveals compromised oocyte quality: implications for fertility preservation. | Puy V, Barroca V, Messiaen S, Ménard V, Torres C, Devanand C, Moison D, Lewandowski D, Guerquin MJ, Martini E, Frydman N, Livera G. | |  |  | Tumor resistance to radiotherapy is triggered by an ATM/TAK1-dependent-increased expression of the cellular prion protein | Jacqueline Bernardino-Sgherri, Capucine Siberchicot, Frédéric Auvré, Didier Busso, Clémentine Brocas, Ghazi El Masri, Anna Lioutsko, Federica Ferri, J Pablo Radicella, Paul-Henri Romeo, Anne Bravard | |  |  | A multimodal treatment of carbon ions irradiation, miRNA-34 and mTOR inhibitor specifically control high-grade chondrosarcoma cancer stem cells | Vares G, Ahire V, Sunada S, Ho Kim E, Sai S, Chevalier F, Romeo PH, Yamamoto T, Nakajima T, Saintigny Y | |  |  | A sensitive S-Trap-based approach to the analysis of T cell lipid raft proteome | Chhuon C, Zhang SY, Jung V, Lewandowski D, Lipecka J, Pawlak A, Sahali D, Ollero M, Guerrera IC | |  |  | Altered Response to Total Body Irradiation of C57BL/6-Tg (CAG-EGFP) Mice. | Liu C, Tanaka K, Katsube T, Varès G, Maruyama K, Ninomiya Y, Fardous Z, Sun C, Fujimori A, Moreno SG, Nenoi M, Wang B | |  |  | Human CCR6+ Th17 Lymphocytes Are Highly Sensitive to Radiation-Induced Senescence and Are a Potential Target for Prevention of Radiation-Induced Toxicity | Nguyen HQ, Belkacemi Y, Mann C, Hoffschir F, Kerbrat S, Surenaud M, Zadigue P, de La Taille A, Romeo PH, Le Gouvello S | |  |  | Phagocytosis of Wnt inhibitor SFRP4 by late wound macrophages drives chronic Wnt activity for fibrotic skin healing | Gay D, Ghinatti G, Guerrero-Juarez CF, Ferrer RA, Ferri F, Lim CH, Murakami S, Gault N, Barroca V, Rombeau I, Mauffrey P, Irbah L, Treffeisen E, Franz S, Boissonnas A, Combadière C, Ito M, Plikus MV, Romeo PH. | |  |  | Fratricide-resistant CD1a-specific CAR T cells for the treatment of cortical T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. | Sánchez-Martínez D, Baroni ML, Gutierrez-Agüera F, Roca-Ho H, Blanch-Lombarte O, González-García S, Torrebadell M, Junca J, Ramírez-Orellana M, Velasco-Hernández T, Bueno C, Fuster JL, Prado JG, Calvo J, Uzan B, Cools J, Camos M, Pflumio F, Toribio ML, Menéndez P | |  |  | Interplay between FACT subunit SPT16 and TRIM33 can remodel chromatin at macrophage distal regulatory elements | Ferri F, Petit V, Barroca V, Romeo PH | |  |  | RadioTransNet, the French network for preclinical research in oncological radiotherapy | Bayart E, Azria D, Balosso J, Benderitter M, Cohen-Jonathan Moyal E, Delpon G, Deutsch E, Dutreix M, Lacornerie T, Romeo PH, Marchesi V, Maingon P | |  |  | Prion protein deficiency impairs hematopoietic stem cells determination and sensitizes myeloid progenitors to irradiation | Siberchicot C, Gault N, Déchamps N, Barroca V, Aguzzi A, Roméo PH, Radicella JP, Bravard A, Bernardino-Sgherri J. | |  |  | Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell responses to low radiation doses - implications for leukemia risk | Gault N, Verbiest T, Badie C, Romeo PH, Bouffler S. | |  |  | TRIM33 deficiency in monocytes and macrophages impairs resolution of colonic inflammation | | |  |  | Chromatin Immunoprecipitation in Macrophages. | | |  |  | Depleting Macrophages In Vivo with Clodronate-Liposomes. | | |  |  | Growing Murine Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages. | Assouvie A, Daley-Bauer LP, Rousselet G | |  |  | Isolation and Phenotyping of Intestinal Macrophages | | |  |  | Low-dose irradiation promotes persistent oxidative stress and decreases self-renewal in Hematopoietic Stem Cells. | Rodrigues-Moreira S, Moreno SG, Ghinatti G, Lewandowski D, Hoffschir F, Ferri F, Gallouet AS, Gay D, Motohashi H, Yamamoto M, Joiner MC, Gault N, Romeo PH | |  |  | NRF2 activation impairs quiescence and bone marrow reconstitution capacity of hematopoietic stem cells. | Murakami S, Suzuki TS, Harigae H, Romeo PH, Yamamoto M,, Motohashi H | |  |  | Hopes of high dose-rate radiotherapy | Fouillade C, Favaudon V, Vozenin MC, Romeo PH, Bourhis J, Verrelle P, Devauchelle P, Patriarca A, Heinrich S, Mazal A, Dutreix M. | |  |  | Macrophage production and activation are dependent on TRIM33 | Gallouet A.S., Ferri F., Petit V., Parcelier A., Lewandowski D., Gault N., Barroca V., Le Gras S., Soler E., Grosveld F., Davidson I. and Romeo PH. | |  |  | Paternal Insulin-like Growth Factor 2 (Igf2) regulates Stem Cell Activity During Adulthood | Barroca V, Lewandowski D, Jaracz-Ros A, Hardouin SN. | |  |