FRANCE GENOMIQUE brings together
the majority of sequencing and/or bioinformatics platforms in France.
Set up thanks to “Investissements d’Avenir” funding in the framework of the “Infrastructures nationales en biologie et santé” project, FRANCE GENOMIQUE is an infrastructure that emerge from the prime objective to strengthen and place at the forefront at the highest level of competitiveness and performance the French capacities in the field of high throughput genomics and associated bioinformatics, in terms of equipment, expertise and innovation.
In addition, its coordinated programs in technology watch and technology development of new sequencing and bioinformatics methodologies and technologies enable FRANCE GENOMIQUE to provide the scientific community with access to the newest state-of-the-art expertise and capacities for high throughput sequencing and data processing. Thus FRANCE GENOMIQUE operates both as a developer of innovative approaches and as a collaborator/service provider for projects in the scientific community.
FRANCE GENOMIQUE is a UMS (Unité Mixte de Service UMS 3628) which brings together the four main French public research organisations: CEA, CNRS, INRAE and INSERM.
The FRANCE GENOMIQUE infrastructure involves the majority of French sequencing and bioinformatics platforms in a consortium coordinated by the CEA (with CNRGH & Genoscope).