| Identification of key residues of the DNA glycosylase OGG1 controlling efficient DNA sampling and recruitment to oxidized bases in living cells | D’Augustin, O., Gaudon, V., Siberchicot, C., Smith, R., Chapuis, C., Depagne, J., Veaute, X., Busso, D., Di Guilmi, A.M., Castaing, B., Radicella, J.P., Campalans, A.*, Huet, S* (co-corresponding authors) | |  |  | Deciphering the immune reaction leading to spontaneous melanoma regression: initial role of MHCII+ CD163- macrophages | Blanc F, Bertho N, Piton G, Leplat JJ, Egidy G, Bourneuf E, Vincent-Naulleau S, Prévost-Blondel A | |  |  | Spatio-temporal dynamics of the DNA glycosylase OGG1 in finding and processing 8-oxoguanine | Cintori, L., Di Guilmi, A.M., Canitrot, Y., Huet, S., Campalans, A | |  |  | Requirement of transcription-coupled nucleotide excision repair for the removal of a specific type of oxidatively induced DNA damage. | Sarmini, L., Meabed, M., Emmanouil, E., Atsaves, G., Robeska, E., Karwowski, B.T., Campalans, A., Gimisis, T., Khobta, A. | |  |  | Foetal exposure to the bisphenols BADGE and BPAF impairs meiosis through DNA oxidation in mouse ovaries | Abdallah, S., Jampy, A., Moison, D., Wieckowski, M., Messiaen, S., Martini, E., Campalans, A., Radicella, JP., Rouiller-Fabre, V., Livera, G., Guerquin, MJ | |  |  | Loss of CD24 promotes radiation? and chemo?resistance by inducing stemness properties associated with a hybrid E/M state in breast cancer cells | Bontemps, I., Lallemand, C., Biard, D., Déchamps, N., Kortulewski, T., Bourneuf, E., Siberchicot, C., Boussin, F., Chevillard, S., Campalans, A., Lebeau, J. | |  |  | OGG1 at the crossroads between repair and transcriptional regulation | Di Guilmi, A., Fonknechten, N., Campalans, A. | |  |  | MXD4/MAD4 Regulates Human Keratinocyte Precursor Fate. | Coutier J, Auvré F, Lemaître G, Lataillade JJ, Deleuze JF, Roméo PH, Martin MT, Fortunel NO | |  |  | Biodosimetry in interventional radiology: cutaneous-based immunoassay for anticipating risks of dermatitis. | Bensimon Etzol J, Rizzi Y, Gateau T, Guersen J, Pereira B, Gouzou E, Lanaret M, Grand O, Bettencourt C, Bouvet S, Ugolin N, Chevillard S, Boyer L | |  |  | Consequences of atmospheric contamination by radioiodine: the Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents | Ory C, Leboulleux S, Salvatore D, Le Guen B, De Vathaire F, Chevillard S, Schlumberger M. | |  |  | Role of DNA Repair Variants and Diagnostic Radiology Exams in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Risk: A Pooled Analysis of Two Case-Control Studies. | Zidane M, Truong T, Lesueur F, Xhaard C, Cordina-Duverger E, Boland A, Blanché H, Ory C, Chevillard S, Deleuze JF, Souchard V, Ren Y, Zemmache MZ, Canale S, Borson-Chazot F, Schvartz C, Mariné Barjoan E, Guizard AV, Laurent-Puig P, Mulot C, Guibon J, Karimi M, Schlumberger M, Adjadj E, Rubino C, Guenel P, Cazier JB, de Vathaire F | |  |  | Lamin B1 sequesters 53BP1 to control its recruitment to DNA damage. | Etourneaud L., Moussa A., Rass E., Genet D., Willaume S., Chabance-Okumura C., Wanschoor P., Picotto J., Thézé B., Dépagne J., Veaute X., Dizet E., Busso D., Barascu A., Irbah L., Kortulewski T., Campalans A., Le Chalony C., Zinn-Justin S., Scully R., Pennarun G., Bertrand P. | |  |  | Phospho-Ku70 induced by DNA damage interacts with RNA Pol II and promotes the formation of phospho-53BP1 foci to ensure optimal cNHEJ. | Schellenbauer A., Guilly MN., Grall R., Le Bars R.,Paget V., Kortulewski T., Sutcu H., Mathé C., Hullo M., Biard D., Leteurtre F., Barroca V., Corre Y., Irbah L., Rass E., Thèze B., Bertrand P., Demmers J.A.A, Guirouih-Barbat J., Lopez B., Chevillard S., Delic J. | |  |  | Radiation Enhancer Effect of Platinum Nanoparticles in Breast Cancer Cell Lines: In Vitro and In Silico Analyses. | Hullo M, Grall R, Perrot Y, Mathé C, Ménard V, Yang X, Lacombe S, Porcel E, Villagrasa C, Chevillard S, Bourneuf E. | |  |  | Genetic Analysis of Citrobacter sp.86 Reveals Involvement of Corrinoids in Chlordecone and Lindane Biotransformations | Barbance A, Della-Negra O, Chaussonnerie S, Delmas V, Muselet D, Ugarte E, Saaidi PL, Weissenbach J, Fischer C, Le Paslier D, Fonknechten N | |  |  | The Composition of Circulating Leukocytes Varies With Age and Melanoma Onset in the MeLiM Pig Biomedical Model. | Blanc F, Prévost-Blondel A, Piton G, Bouguyon E, Leplat JJ, Andréoletti F, Egidy G, Bourneuf E, Bertho N, Vincent-Naulleau S | |  |  | TiO2 Nanomaterials Non-Controlled Contamination Could Be Hazardous for Normal Cells Located in the Field of Radiotherapy. | Wang Y, Sauvat A, Lacrouts C, Lebeau J, Grall R, Hullo M, Nesslany, F., Chevillard, S. | |  |  | Transcription from a gene desert in a melanoma porcine model. | Marthey S, Estellé J, Blin A, Wahlberg P, Créchet F, Lecardonnel J, Tessiot F, Rogel-Gaillard C, Bourneuf E | |  |  | Genetic susceptibility to radiation-related differentiated thyroid cancers: a systematic review of literature | Zidane M, Cazier JB, Chevillard S, Ory C, Schlumberger M, Dupuy C, Deleuze JF, Boland A, Haddy N, Lesueur F, de Vathaire F | |  |  | The OncoAge Consortium: Linking Aging and Oncology from Bench to Bedside and Back Again | Hofman P, Ayache N, Barbry P, Barlaud M, Bel A, Blancou P, Checler F, Chevillard S, Cristofari G, Demory M, Esnault V, Falandry C, Gilson E, Guérin O, Glaichenhaus N, Guigay J, Ilié M, Mari B, Marquette CH, Paquis-Flucklinger V, Prate F, Saintigny P, Seitz-Polsky B, Skhiri T, Van Obberghen-Schilling E, Van Obberghen E, Yvan-Charvet L | |  |  | Survey of allele specific expression in bovine muscle. | Guillocheau GM, El Hou A, Meersseman C, Esquerré D, Rebours E, Letaief R, Simao M, Hypolite N, Bourneuf E, Bruneau N, Vaiman A, Vander Jagt CJ, Chamberlain AJ, Rocha D | |  |  | Deployment of the DosiKit System Under Operational Conditions: Experience From a French Defense National Nuclear Exercise | Entine F, Bensimon Etzol J, Bettencourt C, Dondey M, Michel X, Gagna G, Gellie G, Corre Y, Ugolin N, Chevillard S, Amabile JC | |  |  | DosiKit, a New Immunoassay for Fast Radiation Biodosimetry of Hair and Blood Samples. | Bensimon Etzol J, Bouvet S, Bettencourt C, Altmeyer S, Paget V, Ugolin N, Chevillard S | |  |  | DosiKit, a New Portable Immunoassay for Fast External Irradiation Biodosimetry. | Bensimon Etzol J, Valente M, Altmeyer S, Bettencourt C, Bouvet S, Cosler G, Desangles F, Drouet M, Entine F, Hérodin F, Jourquin F, Lecompte Y, Martigne P, Michel X, Pateux J, Ugolin N, Chevillard S | |  |  | Breast cancer stem cell-like cells generated during TGF?-induced EMT are radioresistant. | Konge J, Leteurtre F, Goislard M, Biard D, Morel-Altmeyer S, Vaurijoux A, Gruel G., Chevillard S., Lebeau J. | |  |  | Mitochondrial maintenance under oxidative stress depends on mitochondrial but not nuclear alpa- isoform of OGG1. | Lia D., Reyes A., Araujo de Melo Campos J., Piolot T., Baijer J., Radicella J.P., Campalans A. | |  |  | Impact of a CD4 gene haplotype on the immune response in minipigs. | Blanc F, Crechet F, Bruneau N, Piton G, Leplat JJ, Andreoletti F, Egidy G, Vincent-Naulleau S, Bourneuf E. | |  |  | New susceptibility loci for cutaneous melanoma risk and progression revealed using a porcine model. | Bourneuf E, Estelle J, Blin A, Crechet F, Schneider MDP, Gilbert H, Brossard M, Vaysse A, Lathrop M, Vincent-Naulleau S, Demenais F. | |  |  | RACK1 cooperates with NRASQ61K to promote melanoma in vivo. | Campagne C, Reyes-Gomez E, Picco ME, Loiodice S, Salaun P, Ezagal J, Bernex 2, Commere PH, Pons S, Esquerre D, Bourneuf E, Estelle J, Maskos U, Lopez-Bergami P, Aubin-Houzelstein G, Panthier JJ, Egidy G. | |  |  | Rapid Discovery of De Novo Deleterious Mutations in Cattle Enhances the Value of Livestock as Model Species. | Bourneuf E, Otz P, Pausch H, Jagannathan V, Michot P, Grohs C, Piton G, Ammermüller S, Deloche MC, Fritz S, Leclerc H, Pechoux C, Boukadiri A, Hoze C, Saintilan R, Crechet F, Mosca M, Segelke D, Guillaume F, Bouet S, Baur A, Vasilescu A, Genestout L, Thomas A, Allais-Bonnet A, Rocha D, Colle MA, Klopp C, Esquerre D, Wurmser C, Flisikowski K, Schwarzenbacher H, Burgstaller J, Brügmann M, Dietschi E, Rudolph N, Freick M, Barbey S2 Fayolle G, Danchin-Burge C, Schibler L, Bed'Hom B, Hayes BJ, Daetwyler HD, Fries R, Boichard D, Pin D, Drögemüller C, Capitan A. | |  |